A-Z Challenge

A-Z Challenge
So this is my first blog- and my first attempt at this challenge. Wish me luck!

Friday, April 1, 2011

(A)KA...Mr Sir

Ah our most favorite patron of all times!  We affectionately refer to him as "Mr. Sir" as he comes in and always calls us "sir."  I don't mean he calls all the men here "sir" and all the women "ma'am".  No...he calls EVERYONE "sir".  When asked why, his response was, "I was in the military.  I learned to show respect."  When told that this was disrespecting (and annoying) us, he replied, "This is America.  As long as I am not being offensive, I can call you anything I want." 



  1. Welcome to the blogosphere :) Way to jump right in! I'm looking forward to reading the stories of your library.

  2. Wow, fantastic topic for a blog. I love hearing weird stories from libraries around the world. I work at in a distance learning library (like a community college I guess is the equivalent, vocationally focused) so we don't get students inside the library, and they are generally very polite on the phone as we are sending them "free" books. So it's fascinating to hear what librarians who see patrons get to hear from their patrons.
